Corel Magaletta

Corel Magaletta

Hi! I’m Corel, I’m in my 30s (you do not need to know which one) and I have a husband, J and two kids: Miss 3 and Master 6. We live in sunny Newcastle, a two hour drive north of a city you might know called Sydney and love spending time baking biscuits and playing in the...

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: 7 Coffee Articles You Must Read! ☕ Mmmmm... COFFEE!!!

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: 7 Coffee Articles You Must Read! ☕ Mmmmm... COFFEE!!! I can't tell a lie – I love my coffee. From a fancy double-shot java brewed...

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: I just received fantastic advice!

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: I just received fantastic advice! I just received the best advice for developing a digital marketing strategy that I had to hop on my blog and rave about these guys: ...

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: The Marketing Mystery that is Gen Z

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: The Marketing Mystery that is Gen Z I'm helping a friend with a new project that requires marketing to Gen Z. For those of you that don't know,...

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: #BusinessInspo - Walking in the shoes of your customers by Nigel T Packer

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: #BusinessInspo - Walking in the shoes of your customers by Nigel T Packer Extremely relevant to me right now with my new business idea. ...

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: Taking the leap - starting my online business

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: Taking the leap - starting my online business If anyone warned me what a headache building my own business would be, I probably never wou...

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: My toothless adventure (and what I did about it)

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: My toothless adventure (and what I did about it) If you’re the observant type, you’ll notice something unfortunate about ...

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: Trying Costa Rican Coffee for the First Time

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: Trying Costa Rican Coffee for the First Time Did you know that in Tarraz (pronounced Tar-ah-zoo) CostaRica it rains 7 months out of the yea...

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: Researching Flooring: 10 Different Flooring Options

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: Researching Flooring: 10 Different Flooring Options I've talked a bit about flooring on my blog here before, but lately I've been doing a lot mor...

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: Fantastic Family Photos

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: Fantastic Family Photos Hi all. So we've seen a lot of our extended family on both sides over the last few months, and seeing all of the kids cousins, aun...

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: Our next trip to Perth

Corel Magazine by Corel Magaletta: Our next trip to Perth I previously wrote about my bestie (known on this as P) moving to Perth. I was a bit devastated at the time, but we've gained a g...